HJC News



Welcome back everybody. No, you don't have your days mixed up. It's Tuesday and your Sunday writer, formerly the Tuesday writer, is filling in for Chase.

Today will begin my 2017-18 ACHA team series. I begin it with a team that has a all time record of 0-0-0. That team is the University of Indianapolis.

logo from jamesmasonart.com
In speaking with current team president Devin Pinney, the UIndy Greyhounds hockey team got it's start from its former president and coach Kevin Mason. Kevin came to UIndy where he played football, but hockey was his true love. He saw the need for a hockey team at the university and two years later, with the support of the University and the students, the UIndy Ice Hockey Club is about to play it's first game in team history on September 29th.

While the team has mainly done flyers throughout the campus as well as a pretty solid social media campaign, it was the hockey jersey giveaway that has drawn so much attention to the team. It even drew attention of myself, TC, and Jets to enter and bicker on twitter over it. So congratulations to UIndy for being the first team to ever have three different writers fight over your jerseys!

Speaking of Jerseys, the Greyhounds decided to keep it pretty tame with the design.

Pictures from UIndy twitter page
What really does a good job of the uniforms is the logos. It's nice to see a Club team get to use the official athletic logos of the university, especially one that has a great looking set of logos overall. Also, the striping on both jerseys gives the logos more prominence, something that I think works for a new team. It helps them get their name out there. Overall: 8.5/10

After speaking with Devin, it became clear to me that this team isn't just for the players on it. It means a lot to the school they represent and that their school believes in them and wants them to succeed both on and off the ice. Best of luck to the Greyhounds. While they may be a exhibition team this year, I hope that the upcoming years bring them a lot of success. This is to seeing you guys at nationals some day!

REMINDERS: We have the concept of the week to vote for and you need to get your arena logos in!

COTW vote Sept 1-7 (ends Friday @ noon EST)
 Stadium Logo Competition (due Sept 22 @ noon EST)

Arena Entries: NONE

Alright let's get to the concepts!

Adam G- Tampa Bay Lightning
Positives: Black jersey-check. Anniversary logo-check. lightning bolt on pants-check. The all black jersey is really what it has going for it!
Negatives: The victory stripes all over the jersey are a little excessive and the TV numbers look a little high on the arms.
Overall: 7/10

Anthony C- Mississauga Steelheads
Positives: The grey jersey looks really nice Anthony. What ties it together well is the split color arms that transfer well into the socks.
Negatives: The TV numbers look a little small and this design, overall, feels redundant of what you keep doing. It's a nice design but you're getting to the part of playing it safe.
Overall: 8/10

 Chris W- Toledo Walleye
Positives: What's really good is the primary jersey set with that arm design. the striping and color combination are great and you just nailed it. Overall the main set is a hit and I find no problems with it.
Negatives: Then we get to the alternate jerseys. Starting with the navy jersey, the design you have looks like a design they formerly had. I can understand if you want to do a throwback design but the team is too young for that and adding the Walleye Roundel logo just clashes with the overall design. As for the second jersey, it honestly looks like you went and copied the Hinto Brews from Old Time Hockey. I like the idea of the two tone jersey but, once again, it's the logo on the chest. It's to modern looking.
Overall: 8.5/10

Matt G- New Jersey Devils 

Positives: Combining the two for set purposes, Matt G did what everybody was thinking. ADD SOME DARN STRIPING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE JERSEY! Now that I have that out of my system, I also like that you put some distance between the stripes on the white jersey to prevent that color mixing that can happen with to dark colors near each other. The simple striping on the bottom of both jerseys looks great and I think the Devils should take note of this.
Negatives: One negative overall. The hem on the red could use some white. Also, it's on that boarder of is it changed enough that it warrants a high grade or is it too close to the original?
Overall: 8.75/10

Stealin T- Montreal Canadiens 
Positives: ......
Negatives: Where do I begin? That large white stripe is just atrocious, your numbers are too big, who the heck is "GOINGTA" and why, of all that is holy, would you think it's a good idea to do this?
Overall: 2/10

TC M- Portland State Vikings  
Positives: First off, way to make a successful two color jersey. Second, those angle stripes on the arms are awesome with that two thin stripes.
Negatives: The numbers are just awkward. Something a little more proportional would look good.
Overall: 9/10 COTW NOMINEE!

Okay everybody have a good rest of the week and I'll see ya when I see ya!
Tuesday Reviewed by Ryan on September 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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